Game marketing and PR for indie developers.

I’m Tia and I’m here for indie game developers. Marketing games can be intimidating, so leave it to me! I’ll handle your marketing campaign, influencer outreach, social media, content creation, press release, copywriting, and community management.

Contact me at for all inquiries.

How I help indie devs

  • Marketing

    I’ll run your marketing campaign to build your audience, Steam wishlists, Discord members, and online presence.

    - Plan and execute marketing campaigns for indie game releases and Kickstarters
    - Develop your game’s long-term marketing strategy
    - Assemble weekly content calendars with videos, blogs, gifs, and art
    - Prepare a PR timeline that covers your key PR beats

  • Outreach

    Struggling to describe your game and sound like a human? I’ll write copy that clearly communicates what makes your game unique to the right people.

    - Pitch your game to relevant influencers, press, streamers, and content creators
    - Manage social media accounts to engage and develop your audience (Discord, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
    - Write announcements, dev logs, patch notes, game updates
    - Distribute review codes of your game

  • Steam Store Page

    Let’s give your customers a great first impression of your game and a reason to buy.

    - Design a custom store landing page (Steam,, GOG, Humble, etc.)
    - Write a captivating description of your game
    - Take and edit high-quality screenshots and gifs from footage
    - Optimize tags and Steam backend for visibility
    - Coordinate trailer houses, artists, and localisation studios

About me

Hello, I’m Tia! I made Voxybee to fill a niche needed by the video game industry. Marketing is crucial to an indie game’s success, but it is much more than social media and influencer outreach. Marketing for games is copywriting, screenshots, trailers, press, art, campaigns, demos, and so on. Releasing a game without any marketing doesn’t work anymore.

My career in video games began as a competitive TF2 player. In college, I helped advertise and coordinate community gaming events. I’ve since transitioned to marketing and PR, focusing on indie games and supporting developers.

I am an insect enthusiast and lover of spooky games, long furbies, and support roles. My favourite part about gaming is sharing my funny moments or creations with the community.


“The marketing Tia did on Ideology was so powerful I was almost afraid players would get too hyped. The commercial impact was obvious and players loved it. I hope to have her help again in the future.”
Tynan Sylvester – Creator
RimWorld | Ludeon Studios

“Tia was great and professional. She anticipated our needs and really took into account our comments!”
Rémi Lefèvre – Developer
Caravan Sandwitch | Plane Toast

“Tia is fantastic to work with and goes above and beyond what is expected of her. She takes genuine interest in her work and is very knowledgeable with her advice. Tia is very easy to talk to, patient and flexible with her work, and it’s a pleasure working with her!”
Shaunak Deshpande – Developer
The Golden Eyed Ghosts